
Traditional Yogi Tea

There is nothing better to pick you up in morning or after a yoga practice than a cup of authentic Yogic Tea! It supports your immune system when consumed regularly and in fact, Ayurvedically it's recommended to do a Yogi Tea fast to support weak nervous system. 

10 cups of water
1 tsp of whole cloves
1 tsp of whole black peppercorns
1 tbsp green cardamon pods
1 stick of cinnamon
1 inch of ginger root
6 teabags of black tea or decaf black tea
5 cups of whole milk or goat milk (or 2 cups of concentrated coconut milk)

Coarse dry spices in coffee grinder or use hand grinder and grate fresh ginger root.  Combine water and milk with spices and bring it to a boil. Keep simmering for 30min then place black tea to spice mixture, bring it to a boil and switch the heat off. Let it stand for 5min. Add honey or natural sugar to taste